


  • 罗远新,男,1981年生,教授,重庆大学教务处副处长。现任重庆市图形学会副理事长,担任ASME PTG2017)分会场主席。于2003年和2006年分别获得重庆大学材料成型及其控制工程学士和机械电子工程硕士学位,2010年获得香港中文大学博士学位,曾任英特尔产品有限公司质量与可靠性部失效分析工程师。主要从事齿轮滚轧、金属挤压等塑性成形工艺及装备研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,教育部博士点基金、重庆市自然科学基金等省部级项目4项,企业合作项目6项。获权发明专利8件,在国际和国内重要期刊发表论文40余篇,其中以通讯作者/第一作者发表SCI/EI论文20余篇,出版专著1部。获得2016年中国机械工业集团特等奖1项,近三年发表的代表性学术论文如下:


    [1] Ziyong Ma, Yuanxin Luo*, Yongqin Wang. On the pitch error in the initial stage of gear roll-forming with axial-infeed, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, Vol. 252, p 659-672.

    [2] Ziyong Ma, Yuanxin Luo*, Yongqin Wang. Geometric Design of the rolling tool for gear roll-forming process with axial-infeed, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (in published)

    [3] Yuanxin Luo*, Wanmian Yang, Zhifang Liu, Yongqin Wang, Ruxu Du. Numerical simulation and experimental study on cyclic multi-point incremental forming process. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, Vol. 85, n 5-8, p 1249-1259.

    [4] Weiqi Du, Yuanxin Luo *, Yongqin Wang, Ling Ma. A new energy-based method to evaluate low-cycle fatigue damage of AISI H11 at elevated temperature. Fatigue. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2017, 40(6).

    [5] Ling Ma, Yuanxin Luo*, Yongqin Wang, Weiqi Du. Constitutive and damage modelling of H11 subjected to low-cycle fatigue at high temperature. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2017, Vol. 40 (12), p2107–2117.

    [6] Ling Ma, Yuanxin Luo*, Yongqin Wang, Weiqi Du, Yi Chen. Visco-Plastic Constitutive Model for Cyclic Responses Simulation and Lifetime Prediction of Hot-Work Tool Steel H13 at Elevated Temperature. Steel Research International, 2017, Vol. 88, n 11, p.1-12.

    [7] Ling Ma, Yuanxin Luo*, Yongqin Wang, Weiqi Du, Jun Zhang. Fatigue and Ratcheting Assessment of AISI H11 at 500 Using Constitutive Theory Coupled with Damage, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2017, Vol.41, No.3, p.642652.

    [8] Zhifang Liu, Yuanxin Luo*, Xingchun Yan. Boundary determination of leveling capacity for plate roller leveler based on curvature integration method. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(12):4608-4615.

    [9] 马玲, 罗远新*, 宋宗焘等. 疲劳-蠕变交互作用下挤压筒设计理论及寿命预测模型. 机械工程学报, 2017, 53(16):163-172.

    [10] 马自勇, 罗远新*, 王勇勤, 王宇. 齿轮轴向滚轧成形建模与轮齿完整性研究, 机械工程学报(2018, 在线出版).





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