
讲座题目:Novel Ultrasound Transducers and Arrays for Imaging and Therapy
时 间:2017 年8月11日9:00
地 点:机械传动国家重点实验室523会议室
Advanced ultrasound imaging and therapy present unprecedented challenges to transducer technology. In this talk, recent study on novel ultrasound transducers, arrays and the associated applications is presented. In specific, we investigated micromachined piezoelectric composite transducers with broad bandwidth for high frequency intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging and non-destructive testing. Dual frequency transducers were also successfully demonstrated for contrast enhanced superharmonic intravascular and intracavitary imaging. In ultrasonic therapy study, we recently demonstrated ultrasound-induced site-specific cell membrane permeabilization (sonoporation) at the cellular level. We also demonstrated multi-frequency ultrasound induced efficient tissue ablation. As a new member in ultrasound transducer family, laser ultrasound has recently shown broad bandwidth and its promising applications in drug delivery and intravascular thrombolysis. These new findings suggest that broadband transducers are increasingly important in advancing ultrasound in medicine, biology and industrial applications.
Dr. Xiaoning Jiang is a University Faculty Scholar and a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at North Carolina State University. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering at North Carolina State University and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dr. Jiang received his Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University (1997) and his Postdoctoral training from the Pennsylvania State University (1997-2001). He was the Chief Scientist and Vice President for TRS Technologies, Inc. prior to joining NC State in 2009. Dr. Jiang is the author and co-author of one book, 5 book chapters, 9 issued US Patents, 84 peer reviewed journal papers and over 90 conference papers on piezoelectric ultrasound transducers, ultrasound for medical imaging and therapy, drug delivery, ultrasound NDT/NDE, smart materials and structures and M/NEMS. Dr. Jiang is a member of the technical program committee for a few international conferences including IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (TPC-5), SPIE Smart Structures and NDE, ASME IMECE and IEEE NANO. He also serves as the UFFC representative to IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC), NanoAcoustics Technical Committee Chair for IEEE NTC, an editorial board member for the journal Sensors and an associate editor for the new ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy.