讲演题目:Potential and Challenges of Plastic Gears
讲 演 人:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl (Gear Research Centre of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen)
时 间:2019年8月12日上午9:30
地 点:机械传动国家重点实验室219会议室
Plastic gears have been used for decades in various low power applications. In high performance power train applications plastic gears offer various chances but also challenges. Chances are based on the positive material properties, like low density and viscous material characteristics, as well as the low production cost at high numbers through injection molding. Nevertheless, temperature dependent material parameters and general low load carrying capacity restrict the scope of application in high power transmissions. For the consideration of plastic gears in high performance powertrain applications, reliable strength calculation methods are necessary. Current research focuses on how to consider the influence of deflections under load, alternative tooth geometry, temperature dependent material strength data and material models. Actual numeric methods help to understand the processes and the material behavior in the Hertzian contact zone to optimize the thermal- and load-conditions in the tooth contact and, therefore, to increase load carrying capacity. Plastic gears open a huge research potential focusing on the damage mechanisms, material models and the modification and development of accurate calculation methods to take advantage of the entire potential of plastic gears.
PROF. DR.-ING. K. STAHL studied mechanical engineering at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen and served as research associate at the Gear Research Centre (FZG) at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen. In 2001 he received his PhD degree (Dr.-Ing.) in mechanical engineering. 2001 Stahl started as gear development engineer at the BMW group in Dingolfing and became head of the group "Prototyping, Gear Technology & Methods" in 2003. 2006 he changed to the BMW/MINI plant in Oxford, UK, first as group leader, from 2007 as department leader "Validation Driving Dynamics and Powertrain". In 2009 Stahl returned to Munich as manager for "Predevelopment and Innovation Management" within BMW Driving Dynamics and Powertrain in Munich till he became full professor at the Institute for Machine Elements and head of the Gear Research Centre (FZG) at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen in 2011.