学术报告预告:10月18日University of Lyon,Prof. Jerome Antoni
发布日期:2016-10-16 发布者:实验室管理员

报告题目:Signal processing methods for information mining in Condition Monitoring
主讲人:Prof. Jerome Antoni (University of Lyon)
时 间:2016 年10月18日上午11:00
地 点:机械传动国家重点实验室 219 会议室
Signals produced by rotating machines constitute useful symptoms for condition health monitoring. Over the years, many powerful signal processing techniques have been devised to extract fault signatures hidden in strong background “noise”. Early approaches have essentially investigated the energy and spectral content of the signals, whereas latest developments have explored nonstationary and nonlinear properties. Indeed, correlation, nonstationarity, and nonlinearity are all different manifestations of departure from a state of equilibrium and, as such, are prone to convey diagnostic information. This presentation will review some recent signal processing techniques dedicated to rotating machines, with a special emphasis on how to measure the information contained in a signal. The notions of envelope spectrum, spectral kurtosis, and cyclostationary analysis will be given special attention. Eventually, examples of application will be provided in various fields including condition monitoring of gearboxes, reciprocating engines, and windturbines.
Prof.Jerome Antoni received a M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering (1995), University of Technology of Compiegne, France, and the Ph.D. degree in signal processing (2000) from the Grenoble Institute of Technology, France. He currently holds a full Professor position at the University of Lyon, France. He has spent several periods at the University of New South Wales, Australia, and at the VrijeUniversiteit Brussel, Belgium. He isregular expert for the ANR (National Research Agency; regular expert for the AERES (Evaluation Agency for Research and Higher education ); expert for the FWO (National Fund for Scientific Research; regular expert for the Italian Research Assessment Exercise. Jerome Antoni is with the Editorial Boards of Mechanical System and Signal Processing, International Journal of Condition Monitoring, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, and Diagnostika. Prof. Jerome Antoni received “Robert Houdin” Prize for the most innovative paper “Principes de moindre action en analyse modale opérationnelle ", and Best paper award for “Cyclostationarity for Ship Detection Using Passive Sonar: Progress towards a Detection and Identification Framework”, presented at the Australian Acoustics Society National Conference.
The main direction of his research activity is concerned with the development of signal processing methods for mechanical systems, in particular for Condition Monitoring. Another theme is the resolution of inverse problems in acoustics and vibrations, in particular from probabilistic approaches. Current interests deal with the cyclostationary modelling of rotating machine signals, blind source separation, and (non-) parametric identification of mechanical systems and material properties, source identification and acoustic imaging. He is also actively involved in national projects like SEMAFOR funded by the Fondation Recherche Aéronautique Espace, a virtual lab composed of MicrodB, Ecole Centrale de Lyon and INSA-Lyon with research activities in imaging techniques for aeroacoustics, funded by the National Research Agency, etc. He is also guest editor of many special issues in Mechanical System and Signal Processing.