李坤,博士,重庆大学机械工程学院“弘深青年学者”特聘专家,博士生导师,海外引进人才。2011年获吉林大学材料科学与工程学科工学学士学位;2016年获清华大学机械工程学科工学博士学位;2017年2月赴美国德州大学埃尔帕索分校从事博士后研究工作,并担任Lawrence E. Murr和R.D.K. Misra课题组博士生联合指导老师,科研成果获德州大学2018年度研究员奖;2019年4月就职美国匹兹堡大学机械工程及材料科学系高级研究员;2020年8月被聘为重庆大学“弘深青年学者”教授、博士生导师,从事教学科研工作。主要从事增材制造、智能3D净成形、高性能材料及相变、材料计算学等研究。在《Additive Manufacturing》、《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、《Materials Science and Engineering: A》、《Journal of Nuclear Materials》等著名期刊和会议上发表论文30余篇。担任《Acta Materialia》、《Materials Research Letters》、《International Journal of Plasticity》等领域著名期刊评审人。长期与清华大学、中国工程物理研究院成都增材制造中心、美国匹兹堡大学合作,培养研究生。
人工智能制造、机器学习(Machine learning)技术
高性能材料 (高温合金、高强钢、高熵合金等)及相变
2020.9-至今 重庆大学“弘深青年学者”教授,博士生导师
2019.4-2020.8 美国匹兹堡大学,高级研究员
2017.2-2019.3 美国德州大学埃尔帕索分校,博士后,博士生联合导师
2011.8-2017.1 清华大学机械工程系,工学博士
2007.9-2011.7 吉林大学材料科学与工程学院,工学学士
纳米压痕和变形中相变研究。美国国家自然科学基金 (NSF-DMR1602080)项目主要负责人
用于火箭发动机的T-250马氏体时效高强钢的激光焊接接头的强韧性调控。清华大学博士项目 (THU1316)项目负责人
纤维增强树脂基复合材料/金属异质结构激光连接技术及机理。中国国家自然科学基金 (NSF51275271)项目主要参与人
多曲面钛合金构件激光智能焊接技术基础。 中国国家自然科学基金(U1537205)项目主要参与人
重庆大学 “弘深青年学者”特聘专家
《稀有金属》《Rare metals》两刊编委
Acta Materialia 等国际著名期刊评审人
K. Li, M.A. Klecka, S. Chen, W. Xiong,“Wire-arc additive manufacturing and post-heat treatment optimization on microstructure and mechanical properties of Grade 91 steel”, Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 37.
K. Li, B. Yu, R.D.K. Misra, G. Han, Y.T. Tsai, C.W. Shao, C.J. Shang, J.R. Yang, Z.F. Zhang,“Strain rate dependence on the evolution of microstructure and deformation mechanism during nanoscale deformation in low carbon-high Mn TWIP steel”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 742:116-123.
I.A. Segura, L.E. Murr, V.S.V. Injeti, K. Li, B. Yu, R.D.K. Misra, R.B. Wicker,“Grain boundary and microstructure engineering of Inconel 690 cladding on stainless-steel 316L using electron powder bed fusion additive manufacturing”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, 35:351-367.
S. Xiang, J. Li, H. Luan, A. Amar, S. Lu, K. Li, L. Zhang, F. Qu, W. Zhang, D. Wang, Q. Li,“Effects of process parameters on microstructures and tensile properties of laser melting deposited CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 743:412-417.
K. Li, V.S.Y. Injeti, P. Trivedi, L.E. Murr, R.D.K. Misra,“Nanoscale deformation of multiaxially forged ultrafine-grained Mg-2Zn-2Gd alloy with high strength-high ductility combination and comparison with the coarse-grained counterpart”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34:311-316.
K. Li, B. Yu, R.D.K. Misra, C.X. Wang, Z.L. Tian, J.G. Shan,“The significance and design of hybrid process in governing high strength-high toughness combination of fiber laser-welded T-250 maraging steel joint”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 718:173-181.
K. Li, V.S.Y. Injeti, R.D.K. Misra, L.G. Meng, X.G. Zhang,“The contribution of long-period stacking-ordered structure (LPSO) to high strength-high ductility combination and nanoscale deformation behavior of magnesium-rare earth alloy”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 713:112-117.
W. Zhang, S. Liu, K. Li, P. Li, J. Qi, Z. Zhang, Y. Chen, H. Zhang, L. Meng,“High strain-rate behavior and deformation mechanism of a multi-layer composite textured AZ31B Mg alloy plate”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 749: 23-39.
K. Li, L. Wei, B. An, R.D.K. Misra,“Aging phenomenon in low lattice-misfit cobalt-free maraging steel: Microstructural evolution and strengthening behavior. Materials Science and Engineering: A”, 2019, 739:445-454.
K. Li, B. Yu, R.D.K. Misra, G.Han, S.L. Liu, C.J. Shang,“Strengthening of cobalt-free 19Ni3Mo1.5Ti maraging steel through high-density and low lattice misfit nanoscale precipitates”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 715:174-185.
K. Li, B. Yu, R.D.K. Misra, G. Han, S. Liu, Y.F. Shen, C.J. Shang,“On the origin and contribution of extended kinks and jogs and stacking fault ribbons to deformation behavior in an ultrahigh strength cobalt-free maraging steel with high density of low lattice misfit precipitates”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 728:208-217.
I.A. Segura, J. Mireles, L.E. Murr, K. Li, V.S.Y. Injeti, R.D.K. Misra, R.B. Wicker,“Characterization and mechanical properties of cladded stainless steel 316L with nuclear applications fabricated using electron beam melting”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2018, 507: 164-176.
K. Li, J.G. Shan, C.X. Wang, Z.L. Tian,“The role of copper in microstructures and mechanical properties of laser-welded Fe-19Ni-3Mo-1.5Ti maraging steel joint”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017, 681:41-49.
K. Li, J.G. Shan, C.X. Wang, Z.L. Tian,“Effect of post-weld heat treatments on strength and toughness behavior of T-250 maraging steel welded by laser beam”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 663:157-165.
李坤,单际国,王春旭,田志凌,T250马氏体时效钢激光焊接-时效处理接头的强韧性,金属学报, 2015, 51(8): 904-912.