张财志:重庆垫江人,博士,教授,重庆大学“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师,现就职于重庆大学机械与运载工程学院(国际化办公室主任)、机械传动国家重点实验室(动力传动与控制研究所副所长)和重庆自主品牌汽车协同创新中心。重庆市高层次人才。获南洋理工大学机械与宇航工程学院工学博士学位。现兼任中国内燃机学会燃料电池发动机技术分会副秘书长、中国汽车动力电池创新产业联盟燃料电池分会团体标准评审专家、重庆汽车摩托车行业协会副理事长单位代表、重庆市摩托车技术创新战略联盟专家委员会专家、机械工业出版社汽车图书专家委员会专家及《电动汽车工程手册》编写委员会委员、重庆市经信委专家库评审专家、重庆市电源学会理事、中国汽研和重庆创新燃料电池技术产业研究院顾问;是Energy, Applied energy, Energy conversion and management, Journal of energy engineering, International journal of hydrogen energy等多个高水平杂志的优秀审稿人。主持国家或作为重庆大学负责人参与国家重点研发计划专项、重庆市技术创新与应用示范重点专项项目和其他项目10余项。主持教育部产学研支持的教改项目1项、市级教改项目3项、校级教改项目3项。在国际顶级能源期刊发表SCI论文45余篇。申请发明专利10余项,授权国际专利1项、国内专利2项。参与编写书籍3本:《电动汽车前沿技术及应用》、《电动汽车工程手册-第八卷-测试评价卷》、《氢燃料电池汽车安全指南》。指导学生参与国家级、省市级等比赛获奖10余项。2019重庆大学优秀共产党;2019重庆大学最受欢迎老师。
2011.08-2015.07 南洋理工大学机械与宇航学院,博士(燃料电池技术方向)
2007.09-2010.06 西南交通大学电气学院,硕士(电机专业,新能源方向)
2008.09-2011.09 新加坡淡马锡理工学院,交流生、工程师(燃料电池技术)
2003.09-2007.06 河南理工大学电气学院,学士(电子信息科学与技术)
2016.09-今 重庆大学机械与运载工程学院,研究员、博导
2016.05-2016.08 南洋理工大学能源研究院,研究员
2015.08-2016.04 南洋理工大学能源研究院,副研究员
“高性能纯电动四驱 SUV 性能测评关键技术开发及其应用”,重庆市科委,2018.05-2020.04,课题负责人;
“燃料电池电堆零部件及控制系统设计研发”,重庆***能源动力科技有限公司, 2019.07-2019.12,项目负责人;
1. Jiamin Xu, Caizhi Zhang*, Zhongmin Wan, Xi Chen, Siew Hwa Chan, Zhengkai Tu*. Progress and perspectives of integrated thermal management systems in PEM fuel cell vehicles: A review[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022, 155: 111908.
2. Mengzhu Luo, Jun Zhang, Caizhi Zhang*, Cheng Siong Chin, Hongxu Ran, Min Fan, Kun Du, Qi Shuai*. Cold start investigation of fuel cell vehicles with coolant preheating strategy[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 201: 117816.
3. Xingzi Yu, Caizhi Zhang*, Min Fan, Bo Deng, Chengcheng Huang, Jiangfeng Xu, Deman Liu, Shangfeng Jiang*. Experimental study of dynamic performance of defective cell within a PEMFC stack[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(13): 8480-8491.
4. Xingzi Yu, Jinwei Fan, Yuhong Zhou, Dong Hao*, Jinrui Chen, Tao Yu, Caizhi Zhang*. Experimental investigation of the effect of hydrogen recirculation on the performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(2): 1183-1191.
5. Ran Pang, Caizhi Zhang*, Haifeng Dai, Yunfeng Bai, Dong Hao*, Jinrui Chen, Bin Zhang. Intelligent health states recognition of fuel cell by cell voltage consistency under typical operating parameters[J]. Applied Energy, 2022, 305: 117735.
6. Hao Duan, Caizhi Zhang*, Gucheng Wang, Zhixiang Liu, Xianshu Xie, Qi Shuai*. Experimental study of the dynamic and transient characteristics of sub-health fuel cell multi-stack systems without DC/DC[J]. Energy, 2022, 238: 122007.
7. Jun Zhang, Caizhi Zhang*, Jin Li, Bo Deng, Min Fan, Meng Ni*, Zhanxin Mao, Honggeng Yuan. Multi-perspective analysis of CO poisoning in high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack via numerical investigation[J]. Renewable Energy, 2021, 180: 313-328.
8. Caizhi Zhang*, Tao Zeng, Qi Wu, Chenghao Deng, Siew Hwa Chan, Zhixiang Liu. Improved efficiency maximization strategy for vehicular dual-stack fuel cell system considering load state of sub-stacks through predictive soft-loading[J]. Renewable Energy, 2021, 179: 929-944.
9. Caizhi Zhang*, Xiujuan Cao, Piotr Bujlo, Bin Chen, Xiong Zhang, Xinfa Sheng, Chen Liang. Review on the safety analysis and protection strategies of fast filling hydrogen storage system for fuel cell vehicle application[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021: 103451.
10. Cheng Siong Chin*, Caizhi Zhang, Zuchang Gao. Deploying battery technology for marine vessel electrification[J]. IEEE Potentials, 2021, 40(6): 24-33.
11. Huaguo Jiang, Zeming Lu, Bin Qian, Shun Wang, Bo Yin, Yifeng Zheng*, Lin Ge, Han Chen, Caizhi Zhang*. Bi-doped La1. 5Sr0. 5Ni0. 5Mn0. 5O4+delta as an efficient air electrode material for SOEC[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(73): 36037-36045.
12. Bin Qian, Chaohang Liu, Shun Wang, Bo Yin, Yifeng Zheng*, Lin Ge, Han Chen, Caizhi Zhang*. Ca-doped La0. 75Sr0. 25Cr0. 5Mn0. 5O3 cathode with enhanced CO2 electrocatalytic performance for high-temperature solid oxide electrolysis cells[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(67): 33349-33359.
13. Tao Zeng, Caizhi Zhang*, Anjian Zhou, Qi Wu, Chenghao Deng, Siew Hwa Chan, Jinrui Chen, Aoife M Foley*. Enhancing reactant mass transfer inside fuel cells to improve dynamic performance via intelligent hydrogen pressure control[J]. Energy, 2021, 230: 120620.
14. Lingchao Xia, Caizhi Zhang*, Jinrui Chen, Liang Chen, Meng Ni, Deng Bo, Xu Jiangfeng. Numerical study of vapor behavior in high temperature PEM fuel cell under key material and operating parameters[J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2021: 1-12.
15. Dongjun Li, Caizhi Zhang*, Ruijia Fan, Lei Xu, Yi Wang, Wenjun Guo, Jinrui Chen, Meng Ni*. An innovative thermal management method for cooling loop of electric driving system for durable and high efficiency electric vehicle[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 195: 117176.
16. Tao Zeng, Caizhi Zhang*, Yanyi Zhang, Chenghao Deng, Dong Hao, Zhongwen Zhu, Hongxu Ran, Dongpu Cao*. Optimization-oriented adaptive equivalent consumption minimization strategy based on short-term demand power prediction for fuel cell hybrid vehicle[J]. Energy, 2021, 227: 120305.
17. Caizhi Zhang*, Hao Liu, Tao Zeng, Jiawei Chen, Pengfeng Lin, Bo Deng, Fujian Liu, Yifeng Zheng*. Systematic study of short circuit activation on the performance of PEM fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(45): 23489-23497.
18. Cheng Siong Chin*, CAI ZHI ZHANG, KIN KIAT SIN. Game Architecture based Obstacle Avoidance Control of Electric Surface Vessel[C]//2021 the 5th International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality Simulations. 2021: 38-41.
19. Yunfeng Bai, Caizhi Zhang*, Hao Duan, Shangfeng Jiang*, Zhiming Zhou, Didier Grouset, Mingjun Zhang, Xuefeng Ye. Modeling and optimal control of fast filling process of hydrogen to fuel cell vehicle[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, 35: 102306.
20. Caizhi Zhang*, Yuanzhi Zhang, Zhiyu Huang, Chen Lv, Dong Hao, Chen Liang, Chenghao Deng, Jinrui Chen. Real-time optimization of energy management strategy for fuel cell vehicles using Inflated 3D Inception long short-term memory network-based speed prediction[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, 70(2): 1190-1199.
21. Jun Zhang, Caizhi Zhang*, Dong Hao, Meng Ni, Shulong Huang, Deman Liu, Yifeng Zheng*. 3D non-isothermal dynamic simulation of high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell in the start-up process[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(2): 2577-2593.
22. Yuanzhi Zhang, Mingchun Liu*, Caizhi Zhang. Robust fault-tolerant H-infinity output feedback control of active suspension and dynamic vibration absorber with finite-frequency constraint[J]. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2020, 14(14): 1935-1945.
23. Hongming Dong, Shuai He, Xinzhu Wang, Caizhi Zhang, Deen Sun*. Study on conductivity and corrosion resistance of N-doped and Cr/N co-doped DLC films on bipolar plates for PEMFC[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 110: 108156.
24. Yuxi Song, Caizhi Zhang*, Chun-Yu Ling, Ming Han, Rui-Yuan Yong, Deen Sun, Jinrui Chen. Review on current research of materials, fabrication and application for bipolar plate in proton exchange membrane fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(54): 29832-29847.
25. Yuanzhi Zhang, Zhiyu Huang, Caizhi Zhang*, Chen Lv, Chenghao Deng, Dong Hao, Jinrui Chen, Hongxu Ran. Improved short-term speed prediction using spatiotemporal-vision-based deep neural network for intelligent fuel cell vehicles[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 17(9): 6004-6013.
26. Tao Zeng, Caizhi Zhang*, Dong Hao, Dongpu Cao, Jiawei Chen, Jinrui Chen, Jin Li. Data-driven approach for short-term power demand prediction of fuel cell hybrid vehicles[J]. Energy, 2020, 208: 118319.
27. Yuxi Song, Caizhi Zhang*, Aditya Deshpande, Kaifeng Tan, Ming Han*. Fixed air flow-rate selection by considering the self-regulating function of low power air-cooled PEMFC stack[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 158: 119771.
28. Mingchun Liu*, Yuanzhi Zhang, Juhua Huang, Caizhi Zhang. Optimization control for dynamic vibration absorbers and active suspensions of in-wheel-motor-driven electric vehicles[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2020, 234(9): 2377-2392.
29. Yuxi Song, Caizhi Zhang*, Qiuhong Jia, E Birgersson, Ming Han*, Pei Zhang. Novel closed anode pressure-swing system for proton exchange membrane fuel cells[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(35): 17727-17735.
30. Cheng Siong Chin*, Zuchang Gao, Ming Han, Caizhi Zhang. Enhancing performance of photovoltaic panel by cold plate design with guided channels[J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2020, 14(9): 1606-1617.
31. Bo Zhang, Fei Lin, Caizhi Zhang, Ruiyue Liao, Ya-Xiong Wang*. Design and implementation of model predictive control for an open-cathode fuel cell thermal management system[J]. Renewable Energy, 2020, 154: 1014-1024.
32. Jiamin Xu, Caizhi Zhang*, Ruijia Fan, Huanhuan Bao, Yi Wang, Shulong Huang, Cheng Siong Chin, Congxin Li. Modelling and control of vehicle integrated thermal management system of PEM fuel cell vehicle[J]. Energy, 2020, 199: 117495.
33. Cheng Siong Chin*, Zuchang Gao, Cai Zhi Zhang. Comprehensive electro-thermal model of 26650 lithium battery for discharge cycle under parametric and temperature variations[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 28: 101222.
34. Yuanzhi Zhang, Caizhi Zhang*, Zhiyu Huang, Liangfei Xu, Zhitao Liu, Mingchun Liu. Real-time energy management strategy for fuel cell range extender vehicles based on nonlinear control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2019, 5(4): 1294-1305.
35. Ruijia Fan, Caizhi Zhang*, Yi Wang, Chenzhen Ji, Zaiqiang Meng, Lei Xu, Yang Ou, Cheng Siong Chin*. Numerical study on the effects of battery heating in cold climate[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2019, 26: 100969.
36. Shangfeng Jiang, Cheng Wang, Caizhi Zhang*, Hao Bai, Liangfei Xu. Adaptive estimation of road slope and vehicle mass of fuel cell vehicle[J]. ETransportation, 2019, 2: 100023.
37. Juan Zhou*, Lan Zhang, Chao Liu, Jiangge Pu, Qinglin Liu, Caizhi Zhang, Siew Hwa Chan*. Aqueous tape casting technique for the fabrication of Sc0. 1Ce0· 01Zr0· 89O2+ Δ ceramic for electrolyte-supported solid oxide fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(38): 21110-21114.
38. Tao Zeng, Caizhi Zhang*, Zhiyu Huang, Hao Liu, Siew Hwa Chan, Jingrui Chen, Ruju Li, Anjian Zhou. Fast identification of power change rate of PEM fuel cell based on data dimensionality reduction approach[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(38): 21101-21109.
39. Tao Zeng, Caizhi Zhang*, Zhiyu Huang, Mengxiao Li, Siew Hwa Chan, Qian Li, Xuesong Wu. Experimental investigation on the mechanism of variable fan speed control in Open cathode PEM fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(43): 24017-24027.
40. Hao Liu, Qingchao Song, Caizhi Zhang*, Jiawei Chen*, Bo Deng, Jin Li. Development of bi-directional DC/DC converter for fuel cell hybrid vehicle[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2019, 11(4): 044303.
41. Shun Lu, Matthew Hummel, Zhengrong Gu*, Yan Gu, Zhisheng Cen, Lin Wei, Yue Zhou, Caizhi Zhang, Chi Yang*. Trash to treasure: A novel chemical route to synthesis of NiO/C for hydrogen production[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(31): 16144-16153.
42. Zhenxing Wei, Yuxi Song, Lei Wang, Caizhi Zhang*, Jonathan Chua Cheng Lam, Xinyu Teng, Enxu Zhou, Ming Han*. Design and energy efficiency analysis of a pure fuel cell vehicle for Shell eco racer[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019, 43(7): 2963-2973.
43. Zhiyu Huang, Caizhi Zhang*, Tao Zeng, Chen Lv*, Siew Hwa Chan. Modeling and energy management of a photovoltaic‐fuel cell‐battery hybrid electric vehicle[J]. Energy Storage, 2019, 1(3): e61.
44. Mengxiao Li, Yunfeng Bai, Caizhi Zhang*, Yuxi Song, Shangfeng Jiang, Didier Grouset*, Mingjun Zhang. Review on the research of hydrogen storage system fast refueling in fuel cell vehicle[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(21): 10677-10693.
45. Cheng Siong Chin*, Junbo Jia, Joel Hay King Chiew, Wei Da Toh, Zuchang Gao, Caizhi Zhang*, John McCann. System design of underwater battery power system for marine and offshore industry[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2019, 21: 724-740.
46. Zhiyu Huang, Zhilong Xie, Caizhi Zhang*, Siew Hwa Chan, Jarosław Milewski, Yi Xie, Yalian Yang, Xiaosong Hu*. Modeling and multi-objective optimization of a stand-alone PV-hydrogen-retired EV battery hybrid energy system[J]. Energy conversion and management, 2019, 181: 80-92.
47. J Chiew, CS Chin*, WD Toh, Z Gao, J Jia, CZ Zhang*. A pseudo three-dimensional electrochemical-thermal model of a cylindrical LiFePO4/graphite battery[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 147: 450-463.
48. Edmond Q Wu*, XY Peng, Caizhi Zhang, JX Lin, Richard SF Sheng. Pilots’ fatigue status recognition using deep contractive autoencoder network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019, 68(10): 3907-3919.
49. Lingchao Xia, Caizhi Zhang*, Minghui Hu, Shangfeng Jiang*, Cheng Siong Chin, Zuchang Gao, Quan Liao. Investigation of parameter effects on the performance of high-temperature PEM fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(52): 23441-23449.
50. Tao Zeng, Caizhi Zhang*, Minghui Hu, Yan Chen, Changrong Yuan, Jingrui Chen, Anjian Zhou*. Modelling and predicting energy consumption of a range extender fuel cell hybrid vehicle[J]. Energy, 2018, 165: 187-197.
51. Cheng Siong Chin*, Zuchang Gao, Joel Hay King Chiew, Caizhi Zhang. Nonlinear temperature-dependent state model of cylindrical LiFePO4 battery for open-circuit voltage, terminal voltage and state-of-charge estimation with extended Kalman filter[J]. Energies, 2018, 11(9): 2467.
52. Yifeng Zheng*, Hua Yang, Zehua Pan*, Caizhi Zhang. A Ca and Fe Co-doped layered perovskite as stable Air electrode in solid oxide electrolyzer cells under high-current electrolysis[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 251: 581-587.
53. Caizhi Zhang*, Qinglin Liu, Qi Wu, Yifeng Zheng, Juan Zhou, Zhengkai Tu, Siew Hwa Chan*. Modelling of solid oxide electrolyser cell using extreme learning machine[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 251: 137-144.
54. Zuchang Gao, Cheng Siong Chin*, Joel Hay King Chiew, Junbo Jia, Caizhi Zhang. Design and implementation of a smart lithium-ion battery system with real-time fault diagnosis capability for electric vehicles[J]. Energies, 2017, 10(10): 1503.
55. Raj Kamal Abdul Rasheed*, Caizhi Zhang*, Siew Hwa Chan*. Numerical analysis of high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells during start-up by inlet gas heating and applied voltage[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(15): 10390-10406.
56. Zehua Pan, Qinglin Liu, Lan Zhang, Juan Zhou, Caizhi Zhang*, Siew Hwa Chan*. Experimental and thermodynamic study on the performance of water electrolysis by solid oxide electrolyzer cells with Nb-doped Co-based perovskite anode[J]. Applied energy, 2017, 191: 559-567.
57. Raj Kamal Abdul Rasheed*, Quan Liao, Zhang Caizhi, Siew Hwa Chan*. A review on modelling of high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (HT-PEMFCs)[J]. International journal of hydrogen energy, 2017, 42(5): 3142-3165.
58. Caizhi Zhang*, Tao Yu, Jun Yi, Zhitao Liu, Kamal Abdul Rasheedj Raj, Lingchao Xia, Zhengkai Tu, Siew Hwa Chan*. Investigation of heating and cooling in a stand-alone high temperature PEM fuel cell system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 129: 36-42.
59. Ben Chen, Jun Wang, Tianqi Yang, Yonghua Cai, Mu Pan, Zhengkai Tu*, Caizhi Zhang, Siew Hwa Chan, Yi Yu. Mitigation studies of carbon corrosion by optimizing the opening size of the cathode outlet in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell with dead-ended anode[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 119: 60-66.
60. Xi Chen, Guangcai Gong*, Zhongmin Wan*, Caizhi Zhang, Zhengkai Tu. Performance study of a dual power source residential CCHP system based on PEMFC and PTSC[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 119: 163-176.
61. Ben Chen, Jun Wang, Tianqi Yang, Yonghua Cai, Caizhi Zhang, Siew Hwa Chan, Yi Yu, Zhengkai Tu*. Carbon corrosion and performance degradation mechanism in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell with dead-ended anode and cathode[J]. Energy, 2016, 106: 54-62.
62. Caizhi Zhang*, Zhitao Liu, Xiongwen Zhang, Siew Hwa Chan*, Youyi Wang. Dynamic performance of a high-temperature PEM (proton exchange membrane) fuel cell–Modelling and fuzzy control of purging process[J]. Energy, 2016, 95: 425-432.
63. Caizhi Zhang*, Weijiang Zhou, Mohsen Mousavi Ehteshami, Youyi Wang, Siew Hwa Chan*. Determination of the optimal operating temperature range for high temperature PEM fuel cell considering its performance, CO tolerance and degradation[J]. Energy conversion and management, 2015, 105: 433-441.
64. Caizhi Zhang*, Zhitao Liu, Weijiang Zhou, Siew Hwa Chan*, Youyi Wang. Dynamic performance of a high-temperature PEM fuel cell–an experimental study[J]. Energy, 2015, 90: 1949-1955.
65. Qiuhong Jia*, Caizhi Zhang, Bin Deng, Ming Han*. Performance improvement for proton exchange membrane fuel cell using hydrogen pressure pulsation approach[J]. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2015, 12(4).
66. Caizhi Zhang*, Weijiang Zhou, Lan Zhang, Siew Hwa Chan*, Youyi Wang. An experimental study on anode water management in high temperature PEM fuel cell[J]. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2015, 40(13): 4666-4672.
67. Caizhi Zhang*, Lan Zhang, Weijiang Zhou, Youyi Wang, Siew Hwa Chan*. Investigation of water transport and its effect on performance of high-temperature PEM fuel cells[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 149: 271-277.
68. Caizhi Zhang *, Jun Zhang, Quanneng Liu, Lang Cai, Meng Ni,Tao Zeng, Cheng Liang *, Modeling and analysis of water vapor dynamics in High-Temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell coupling gas-crossover phenomena International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, accepted, Available online 28 April 2022.